Eternal Brilliance Recruitment Ltd is a leading                professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitment of
financial services jobs, from entry level positions                         to heads of department.

At Eternal Brilliance Recruitment, we work with the                       world's greatest employers and every day we handle
thousands of financial services jobs. We pride                                   ourselves on having an eye for what our clients and

candidates need.We offer an honest and open                                       service and we are highly experienced in recruitment
consultancy and possess specific industry                                           knowledge.

With extensive experience in the markets,                                       Eternal Brilliance Recruitment aims to provide a complete
service to our clients in a discreet and                                         professional manner adding value every step along the way.

In the recruitment world reputation is                                  everything. So we're proud to say that over 35% of our candidates
are recommendations from job seekers we've assisted              in the past.

Copyright 2010 by Eternal Brilliance